Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh and because

it's been so long, I have mess of random things to include in the update.

These tidbit are:
Hot Pepper Jelly making.

First day of preschool -technically phase in week.
  • Wii Tennis in the buff
  • Business Booming at the lemonade stand
  • A moment of silly creativity
This week is official first day of preschool and 1st grade for my little one's. Hard to believe time has flown so fast. This weekend - Labor Day Weekend- we are camping. Very much looking forward to that.
My big complaint right now is allergies. Hay fever, rag weed....grrrrrr!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Got away

Time got away from me. It's been a fast summer so far.

We spent a wonderful weekend in the UP of Michigan over the 4th of July. Visited Copper Falls to camp and hike, a night in Copper Harbor, another night in Hancock. Just wish we had more time.

We also spent a long weekend in Grand Rapids, MI for the in-laws 40th wedding anniversary. That was fun, minus the 4 hour trip to the urgent clinic for pink eye. Seriously, it was insane. The dr. at this clinic refused to just accept my diagnosis..which was that Baker had pink eye...and instead made the child put some glow in the dark oooze into his eye's, looked with the microscope at his eyes, made him take an eye test (he can't even read all of his letters yet), and then decided on prescribing the standard drops for pink eye AND oral antibiotics AND childrens Benadryl AND Patanol eye drops. Overdoing it a bit???? I thought so, so we just used the drops, and it cleared up as expected. Can't wait to get the bill from the clinic!

Jared proceeded to get pink eye and then so did I. Top on a couple of high fevers and the last two weeks have been a blast!

We are on the upswing now though! Packing August full of fun. Cabin weekends, time with friends, all good stuff.

The garden is a neglected mess of weeds. Yet somehow we are still getting tomatos, zuccini, basil, dill, cucumbers, peppers, and some very cabbage worm infested napa.

And what would a post be without some recent pictures:

The "Hoola Hoopin Arm" Band sings us a song titled "Dad Mowing in the Lawn in His Red High Top Shoes"Brave Sir Romeo , aka Romeo Salsa or Smelly Cat or The "Fat One"