Thursday, June 25, 2009

Collards, Chard, and Kale oh my!

Good amounts of rain. Really hot weather. The garden is happy.
No issues to report...knock on wood.

Made my last harvest of radishes, turnips, spinach, lettuce and arugula until I plant again in the fall. I have a lead on a green house we may be able to attach to the I am hopeful for a fun fall/winter and early spring of planting in the coming months.

The broccoli has sent out some yummy shoots that don't even make it into the the boys gobble them up before then. I can see some cute little cauliflower bunches growing within their leaves also...can't wait for that. Lesson for next year...plant at least twice as much broccoli so I can preserve some.

A LOT of greens have been ready each day. In a picture below you can see my harvest from Tuesday night....this amount has roughly repeated itself every two days for that last 2 weeks. Success on the greens. I have had enough to enjoy eating right away, give some away to my sister, and even managed to freeze a few baggies full to enjoy this winter.

Beets...I am worried about those. They look beautiful but I am not detecting any bulbs yet....should I be thinning?

Tomatoes...some plants have flowers already. I can't wait too see what we end up with this year. No signs of blight yet!! Yipee!!! I think I may have successfully avoided that. I think mulching with straw has been great.

Some pictures:

A full view of the garden-

Tuesday's harvest

The boys having fun in the "fort

Sunday's harvest

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely garden, I do wish you would cook for me, it's like I don't even know you anymore.
