Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It all began...

Finally time for me to jump into blogging. It seems this will match nicely with the ridiculous number of pictures I take and to add to it, videos I hope to upload.
Thank you dad for the fun insignia digital video cam.

For now, let me start by saying this will mark a new beginning for me. A fence if you will. When I was a kid my parents were really into bowling, and when they had a bad series of frames I think I remember them drawing a fence before the next frame.

Anyway, I am a lucky lady. A great husband (yes really), two handsome little boys, land I love, and a wonderful family. My job had been lacking in anything even remotely positive for a number of years and I am happy to say I am on to something very new in just two weeks.

Let the blogging begin!
And for fun, here is a practice shot at uploading a video...

The Lazy Cats


  1. I would like to contest the great husband statement.

  2. I would like to say that not only is he is beyond the term great as a husband but an exceptionally doting father and at his heart a family man.
